Some time ago, I had built a simple standalone ToDo list in React, which stores its data in the browser localstorage, and I thought it came together quite neatly. Its actually less than 200 lines of javascript code (wasn't trying to play golf with the line count - link to the code near the bottom).

The use of local storage allows the list to retain its data across client restarts. So it kind of works like the apps of old days, when we didn't have a backend server syncing the data on different devices.

Try it out below...

Some features : You can click on an item text to modify it. You can also move items across lists by clicking on the arrows. Item deletion uses the red 'x'.

You need Javascript to run this program

The source code for the todo list is here (or view source in dev tools - its unminified). Also, this is without using webpack, so all the components are in a single file. Its terrible... I know (the horror :-)). I am also loading React and Babel from CDNs - probably the laziest way to get up and runnning with React ;-)).


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