Balanced binary tree animated
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The balanced binary tree is an exremely useful data structure which promises excellent insert, find and delete performance guarantees.

The key to this performance is the balancing property which makes sure that the tree does not get too lopsided (leading to bad performance) - and the key to balancing the tree are the rotation operations.



This site is a mish-mash of selected topics from Maths, Physics, Puzzles, History and Programming by Nagarajan. Click through to read more...

Other distractions...

  • Mathologer Mathy stuff - better than Numberphile
  • JSConf JSConf youtube channel
  • Pycon PyCon youtube channel
  • Mr Bean Mr Bean's channel on Youtube
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The classic Minesweeper game implemented with Javascript, React and CSS.


Todo list with React and LocalStorage
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A simple client side TODO list created using React and localstorage. Due to using localstorage, the list will retain any changes across tabs in the same browser (even after closing and opening tabs).


Sudoku solver
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A simple sudoku solver implemented in Javascript. This is a port of my previous Python solution.

This program uses a randomized approach... which implies that if a problem has more than one solution, this program will randomly find one of the solutions. You can even try to...


Orbit Camera for 3D scenes
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A set of orbit controls, which allow the object under the mouse pointer to be the 'object of interest' with respect to which the camera then rotates / zooms.


Magic Squares
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A conventional magic square of order n is a square filled with the numbers 1 through n*n such that the sum of each row, column or diagonal is the same.

Each number in the square must be distinct, and thus every number from 1 to n*n is used exactly once. The sum of the row in the 5x5 square above is 65.


Bezier curve playground
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Bezier curves are one of the cooler things with built-in support in the web browser - which makes it easier to create this demo in the browser (vs a custom native UI).


Fun with circle chords
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A fun little program to discover shapes conjured up drawing periodic chords in a circle. I made this for my kids to enjoy.


Leo Szilard - The Man who changed the World
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I bet you have not heard the name Leo Szilard - I feel safe making this bet because even with a deep interest in physics, engineering and a fair interest in scientific history, it took me an unfortunately long time to hear about him (and I feel good losing this bet to a knowledgeable person :-) ).

Given how well the world knows about his inventions and the effect of this actions, it truly is surprising how little known this person is. Read on to find out how one man changed the world and impacted it in the most profound ways.


Gravity Train
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Here is a really cool transportation idea - using gravity powered vacuum tubes to travel through the earth across long distances - and all of that in 42 minutes.

Yes, you read that right. 42 minutes flat... irrespective of the starting or ending stations!! Read on to find out more...


Looking for more? Head to the archives ...


This site is a mish-mash of selected topics from Maths, Physics, Puzzles, History and Programming by Nagarajan. Click through to read more...

Other distractions...

  • Mathologer Mathy stuff - better than Numberphile
  • JSConf JSConf youtube channel
  • Pycon PyCon youtube channel
  • Mr Bean Mr Bean's channel on Youtube